item: ₹0.00
10am to 5pm Working hours

1. How to create an account?

You can download the app from the app store. Open the app, click on sign up, fill personal details, including name, phone number, address, email and create password. 

2. How can I login in the app?

You can log in either via login (username or email) password or OTP.

3. How can I place an order?

Follow these steps to place your order:

For one-time orders:

Step 1: Select the Category from the Home screen 

Step 2: Select the product for placing an order

Step 3: Click on the Cart

Step 4: Select the delivery date and click on Place Order

Step 5: Select the mode of payment 

Step 6: Selecting the payment method click on Confirm

Step 7: The order is successfully placed

For subscription orders

Step 1: Select the Category from the Home screen 

Step 2: Select the product for placing an order and click on Subscribe

Step 3: Add the delivery address

Step 4: Select the frequency of the order delivery

Step 5: Select the quantity of the product

Step 6: Select the start delivery date and delivery schedule, the number of deliveries

Step 7: Click on confirm

Step 8: Select the payment method and click on confirm

Step 9:The subscription order is successfully placed

4. Can I add multiple delivery addresses?

Yes, you may add multiple locations & place orders accordingly.

5. How can I delete my account?

To delete an account, go to the app menu and choose my profile. In my profile section click on delete account button to delete the account.